Windows 10 Computer Fails to Start, Here is What You Can Do

Windows won't boot up

Ever experienced a sudden computer crash and computer won’t boot up issue? This definitely makes you worry because your computer is your work life during the pandemic. Even students are dependent on computer or mobile device for their studies. Well, Windows 10 not starting is a common problem that can be fixed, but how? Here in this article, we are discussing the most popular solutions for the Windows 10 not starting issue? So, let’s get started….

Build Repair

Windows 10 has a built-in option to repair or scan startup system files. You will need either the Windows 10 disc or a flash drive to access it.

After you have the recovery media, insert it into your computer and then reboot your PC. The recovery media will be recognized by the computer. If not recognized, the Recovery Drive option is to be accessed. Click “Next” on the Windows Setup screen and then on “Repair my computer.”

Windows issues can be resolved by opening Boot options, but you need to know how it works. Click on “Troubleshoot” to access the Advanced Options menu.

Click “Startup Repair” to start Windows Operating system. Windows will then restart your computer and scan it for any problems. Microsoft account authentication might be required. It will fix all the problems it finds.

Windows Failed to Start Error:0xc00000f

This is the most common error codes you can come across when Windows 10 does not start. This error is caused if there is any issue in the BCD or Boot Configuration Data.

To fix this error, you need to replace the BCD. Follow the steps discussed above until you reach the point where “Repair Your Computer” appears.

Or go to Startup Repair now, click on “Troubleshoot-> Command Prompt” and then type the following commands:

Bootrec /FixMbr

Bootrec /FixBoot

Bootrec /ScanOs

Bootrec /RebuildBcd

Correct Connections to PC Motherboard Are Important

If Windows fails to open, and you see a blank screen, it might be worth looking inside. These are the most important components to be aware of.

  • Memory/RAM: These little sticks are made of small, thin pieces that can easily be ripped off if your computer is knocked around. Modern laptops hold the RAM in a compartment on the bottom of the laptop. This allows you to inspect the RAM without having to open the whole thing. To check that the RAM is connected, open your RAM bay or PC tower.
  • OS Hard Drive: You may also have your main Windows hard disk disconnected from the motherboard or power supply. Make sure you press the SATA cables in tightly and connect them to your PSU.
  • Card for PCI: Although it’s less likely, but could be the reason, a disconnected GPU (or other PCI Express device) could cause Windows 10 desktop not starting issue. Make sure everything is properly connected.

External Flash Drives and Disks

Windows might be set up to prioritize starting from external drives. Make sure you have either a USB drive or a disc attached. Windows might attempt to boot from an external storage device that is attached but fails because it does not have the correct device with the recovery files. Try to remove all external storage devices from Windows before you start Windows.

Safe Mode is a Savier

Safe Mode is a preferred choice when you encounter a Windows problem that renders the OS unusable. Windows will start in Safe Mode with the minimum drivers and the required startup system files. This means that a problem file, program, or driver won’t load in this mode. It makes it easier to diagnose and fix the problem.

Safe Mode can be accessed in many ways but if Windows 10 PC won’t boot anymore we are left with a few. Windows will open Boot options when you try restarting Windows multiple times but it fails. You can choose one of the following options if Windows doesn’t offer this option (very rare).

  1. Start the computer again. When Windows 10 attempts to load, remove the power supply. Or press and hold the Power key to force the shutdown. This should be repeated three to four more times until Windows loads the Boot options.
  2. Try pressing F8 repeatedly as Windows attempts to start. If it does not load the Boot options, you can try again. This will most likely not work with Windows 8/10 due to the Boot-time being too fast. However, it might work on slower machines.

Go to Boot options and click on “Troubleshoot->Advanced options-> Startup Settings->Restart.

After the computer restarts, you will be able to select Safe Mode using the numeric key 4.

Here are some things you can do in Safe Mode (including the computer won’t boot windows 10) to fix Windows problems.

Last Action

If none of the above options work, you are left with formatting your computer or cleaning the Windows 10 installation. You fear to lose all your data, but the below steps will help save the data.

You can boot to a Windows 10 recovery or installation disc (as explained in the beginning of the post). After it boots, select “Troubleshoot-> Reset this PC -> Keep My Files.” This will back up and save all files, photos, and documents that are saved in your Windows 10 user profile. However, all third-party software, games, and other programs will be deleted.

Does it Work?

You should now be able to access Windows with one of the above described ways. You can restore or reset the computer from the Boot menu or Safe Mode. These ways might result in deletion of some data but you’ll be able to access the Windows.

Are You Using out-of-date or corrupt hardware?

Windows operating system is dependent on Drivers which enables it to communicate and interact with the hardware. If the drivers are outdated or corrupted, Windows can become unstable. Sometimes, the computer even windows won’t boot.

So make sure to update or reinstall Drivers by booting your computer into Safe Mode. Access the Windows Device Manager once you are in Safe Mode and look for devices that have a yellow exclamation mark or red X next to them.

The Bottom Line

As long as you keep your Windows updated, it won’t give you troubles. If there is Windows not starting issue, it could be you are out of power. Before jumping into complex solution, just try keeping your PC on charge and try starting it. If the easy solutions don’t work, use the methods discussed above. We hope this article helps you.


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