Top Six High Paying Writing Careers


The word ‘writing career’ itself energizes topics like novelists and essays. Writing career goes beyond words for those who just love writing. People do find merriment in expressing their feelings in words and verbal expression. Writing provide a good experience to those who love to convey words through their pen. It is their bread and butter. So let’s look at a some high paying writing careers as an option through writing.

Technical writers

If we think we have a good hand at dissolving complex terms into plain one then we should probably try a chance at the job of a technical writer. A career in technical writing may not be less than a gift for one who is good in reasoning. The job of technical writers is to prepare manuals containing instructions, guides, documentation, and many others.


As we might be quite familiar with this term Copywriting basically denotes to the act where we write texts for the purpose of advertisements or any other sort of marketing. The work of the copy product is simply to promote and increase the value of a brand and persuade a person to go for it. It has a great level of writing importance and also has high paying writing career prospects in future.


It is a good notion that good writers can give birth to good editors. It is because they might be having a good view of writing clear, precise and a good language. They work as the leader to a team of people who then work with new ideas and creating written documents which are then refined by the editor himself. Editors are of various types who work in various companies and have different roles. The most well known of them is the magazine editor.

It is a very good future ahead for students who are doing their B.A. in communication, media, journalism, English.

Social Media Manager 

The idea of social media is not old and has been in great demand for the last few years. In addition to the increment in the number of media sources like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other, the work of a social media manager has been raised to great heights. Many businesses hire such kind of professional managers to manage their social networks. Writers are a good fit for such position because it needs much of the writing work.


The work of a blogger is also very much on the go as the world of blogging is very oversaturated now, owing to the chance of becoming successful for those who work on their own blog. A blog contains complete and discrete informational websites which are published on the world wide web.

News Reporter

Although sounds weird, a news reporter can be of very much important for an individual who is always eager with questions, digging details. It has a lot of advantages as it is normally fast-paced. Writing for a news outlet may give a very good experience as it may allow you to travel, meet interesting personalities, and cover huge stories.


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