Tackling UPSC by UPSC- Ultimate Pointers by Successful Candidates


UPSC exam considered one of the toughest exams in India is seeing an increased number of aspirants. There is something which makes it the most valued and esteemed profession. Many people realize this as their passion at an early age while others realize it a little later. But what is the correct time to begin the preparation? The answer depends on you. There have been cases in which successful candidates have taken up preparation right from 12th standard, some have started their preparation in college, some after graduation and while doing a job. So, it is evident that there is no clear benchmark on when to start your preparation. What matters the most is how much you prepare for the time you have.

We will be talking about how to go around with the business of preparation and some basic tips for candidates giving the UPSC Exam 2018.

Preparation Without Coaching

If you do not want any coaching and want to rely on self-study for IAS exam preparation. The following points will guide you towards this aim.

  • Time management is a must and you need to be disciplined.
  • Selective reading is more beneficial but it should be done thoroughly.
  • Refer to a good mix of books along with self-made notes.
  • Writing down your points will help you build a photographic memory.
  • Take mock tests at definite point of time.
  • Do not try to seclude yourself. Socialize and try to talk to fellow aspirants and friends.
  • A large frequency of short breaks is better than a single break of long duration while studying.

Preparation After 12th

If you are in are determined to prepare for UPSC right after 12th you need to keep in mind the following pointers. Remember starting early enables you to build your general awareness which will help you in the GS (General Studies) paper.

  • Learn everything about the exam like the syllabus, pattern or revision in any of the both.
  • Choose your under-graduation course that will benefit you for the UPSC exam.
  • You need to follow daily news by reading newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, and Economic Times.
  • Try to analyse and give your opinions on the hot topics. Try to discuss them in your study group.
  • Take up IQ tests to know the areas which you need to work to improve your logical reasoning.
  • Give online tests for practise.
  • Read and subscribe to good monthly and annual magazines and journal.

Preparation While You Are Working

  • Set aside a study schedule as per your liking and stick to it.
  • Try to find people of your mind at your workspace who are preparing for UPSC, or have prepared for the same. Socialize with them and use your time to discuss with them. It will also help you relieve your stress.
  • Look for notes and study material which are precise.
  • Keep your ears open to the news headlines and stay away from discussion based news unless you feel it’s important.
  • Try memory techniques to speed up your learning.
  • Keep a healthy diet and stay away from things which make you feel lethargic.
  • Take out time from your schedule for giving tests and mock exams.


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