Services that are allotted through UPSC Civil Services Exam

UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation
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UPSC Civil Services exam is one of the toughest exams in India and in the world (Yes, it is!). Many candidates who prepare for government exams their main target is to crack UPSC Civil Services exam and become the one who runs the administration of the country. Where many know what services are being allocated to the candidates who clear this exam successfully, there many of us are unaware of the services that are allocated under UPSC Civil Services Exams.

Service allotment depends upon the rank, the order of preference of service, the category of the candidates, vacancy’s availability, and medical board’s findings. This article is to talk about the services which one might get after clearing the UPSC exam successfully. Services are categorized into two groups; Group A and Group B. Starting with the services that come under Group A-

Indian Administration Service The most sought-after service by the candidates preparing for civil services exam. The officers under this service serve in Central as well as State Government and in all departments almost.

Indian Police Service- It is one of the 3 All India Services and was formed in the year 1948. The main function of IPS officers is to maintain the Law and Order, and the service is dividing into multiple functional departments like Criminal Investigation Department, Crime Branch, and Traffic Bureau.

Indian Foreign Service- It is a Central Service of the country and deals with the external affairs such as trade and cultural relations, and diplomacy. IFS is responsible for activities takes place under Indian missions abroad, administration, and framing of Government’s foreign policy.

Indian Revenue Service- It is a Central Civil Service functioning under Department of Revenue in the Union Ministry of Finance. This service deals with direct and indirect taxes collection and management.

Indian Information Service- These officers are the media managers of the Government and manage electronic media, print media, and advertising needs of ministries.

Indian Corporate Law Service- It is the regulatory service of the country’s corporate sector and works under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

There are many other services too under Group A such as Indian Audit And Account Service, Indian Information Service, Indian Civil Account Services, Indian Trade Service, Indian Defence Account Service, Indian Defence Estate Service, Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Indian Postal Service, Indian Railway Account Service, Railway Protection Force, And More.

Coming to the Group B services it includes Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Delhi, Andaman And Nicobar Island Civil Service, Delhi, Andaman And Nicobar Island Police Service, Pondicherry Civil Service, And Pondicherry Police Service.


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