Powerful Government Jobs In India

powerful jobs in india

Government Jobs in India have their own perks and merits. Everyone prefers government jobs over a private sector job. It is not only the money which attracts them but also the respect that they command in such jobs. Here is a list of some of the most powerful jobs in India.

Top Govertments Jobs in India.

IAS –  It holds a very important statute in India and clearing a civil services paper for IAS is considered one of the toughest jobs on earth. It requires a great deal of study and thorough knowledge about a number of things ranging from history to polity. One goes through a lot of examinations and phases to excel as an IAS Officer. Apart from a handsome pay they also get a vast amount of power to exercise.

IFS- The road to becoming an IFS Officer is same as that of becoming an IAS. Sitting for a UPSC exam is never going to be easy. In a similar fashion Indian foreign services officer is difficult to crack. As an IFS officer, you visit different countries for diplomatic purposes and get a lot of experience.

IPS- it is also a civil service in which you are an officer in the police services and you hold great command and respect in your region. You have a lot of authority to give orders at your district level.

PSU- jobs in public sectors like Bhel, HAL, ONGC etc. are a great choice as the employees get a lot of perks and offer from the government. They recruit in large numbers on the basis of competitive exams.

Lawyer – a lawyer in SC or High court is a very honorable job and if one keeps on practicing he can also be get promoted as a judge, who holds, even more, jurisdiction and authority in court. Both judge and Lawyers have great respect among the common people and they look up to them.

Defense services – when we talk of defense services the first name that crops up in our mind is that of NDA. It is the best Institute for a glorious career in defense where the opportunities for becoming a high-rank military man are high. Successful recruits receive ample training and get good pay from the beginning. You have to crack its paper and the SSB interview for getting into NDA.

Bank PO   it is one of the most sorts out jobs in India where you have to clear a paper by IBPS and if successful you shall receive a training before your posting as bank probationary officer.

Government doctors – doctors of AIIMS and other government hospitals get huge pay cheques and a number of perks that is the reason students are aiming for NEET and other medical exams.

Scientists – scientists in ISRO, DRDO get huge salaries and also a lot of allowances. If you are interested in research field you should sit for their qualifying exams.

Government college lecturers – they are also ranked high on the pay cheque list and apart from the regular perks of accommodation they also get support from the government for their research and Ph.D.


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