Is it getting difficult to find unique career option on your own? Are the courses not suitable for you? Do you need online career counselling? Where can you find a career counsellor who can help you find your calling?
With the world gradually moving to a virtual based living, most aspects of our lives have become entwined with the ubiquitous smartphone or the desktop. From e-commerce to entertainment, the virtual world has been able to grasp the largest chunk of our time and effort. In such times, even education and professional services have not been left behind. One of the sectors that have taken to such a change in an effective manner has been the online career counselling. There are a plethora of Career counselling free options which swarm the internet and one has to research before diving into it. However, most of the specialised services are paid and come with a lot of features and functionalities.
In this article, we would have a look at the world of Online career counselling and the roles and responsibilities of an online counsellor.
Career counselling online is a fairly new phenomenon. What used to be the domain of educational institutions at one point in time has diversified into a multi-billion-dollar activity. The educational and business landscape is filled with names which provide online career counselling. With the business ecosystem merging with the virtual world, the usually in-person meeting has now become an in-camera one.
The online counsellor holds forth and discusses matters from thousands of miles away. With the advent of technology, distance has become redundant.
So what is an Online Career counselling?
It is advice or a set of advice from trained professionals who are experts in the field of education, psychology and allied disciplines. It is focused on providing the right fit for a student or a client in regards to his or her career. An online career counsellor will provide the individual with valuable insights regarding the prevalent job market and its various implications. It is also a great way to find unique career option with the help of online career counselling.
How does it help?
- Career counselling is one of the fastest-growing sectors. With the market going through a severe downturn due to the pandemic, it becomes even more pertinent for the job seeker to understand the present implications and how the future would pan out.
- A career counsellor has the onerous task of not just providing relevant information to the client but also subtly motivate them to move ahead. The advice could range from course corrections to upskilling, looking for better opportunities for finding one’s true calling.
- A career counsellor is not just a professional but also an empath, who would have to understand the current predicament of the individual.
Why connect with a career counsellor?

- In spite, economic disruptions, the modern youth has more resources available to them than ever before. The reach of the internet is powering not just lives but entire ecosystems and this has been one of the boons for modern society.
- However, the moot question that may arise is why not indulge in one’s research. Since everything is available online, how would an online career counselling session be any different?
- It must be understood that career counselling is a vast and complex subject. It requires in-depth knowledge of the education sector as well as human psychology. Most career counsellors have dual degrees about both education and psychology. This helps them gauge human sentiments better and augment their advice.
- Self-research and guidance for friends and families would be restrictive and biased. To overcome it becomes imperative for individuals to visit a career counsellor.
- Choosing a career is one of the defining moments in anybody’s life. It affects the individual and the immediate family. Many things need to be checked before a career can be selected.
- Interest
- Capabilities
- Educational qualification
- Market demand
- Opportunity
- Growth
Based on the above factors an individual has made an informed decision. The decision making skill may not be a strength for many of us. This is the reason a career counsellor becomes a necessity.
The adage is, when it comes to career, like life, it always better to be safe than sorry.
The greatest advantage one can get from a career counsellor is an unbiased opinion. This helps in forming the correct picture and then going ahead and building a viable career.
With the gradual transformation of the professional landscape, the role of the career counsellor has assumed greater significance. Bigger and better opportunities have appeared on the horizon and grabbing them is the prerogative. However, it is also important for the career counsellor to be open-minded and listen to the career choices being thought of by the client. The counsellor would then have to create a career path that would be the best available choice under the present conditions.
A career counsellor’s job description, therefore, encompasses several roles. Having sound knowledge in the field of recruitment will not be sufficient enough. Man-management skills are as important as any other discipline.
This is an exciting carrier opportunity and with expanding the global reach of local jobs, the rush of clients wanting to discuss their next career moves is an important part of one’s growth. By becoming a career counsellor one gets the opportunity to meet a wide range of people from all walks of life. A majority of individuals open up about their struggles. The career counsellor then ceases to become just a counsellor dealing in careers but a shrink too. Dealing with human emotions is an important aspect of being a career counsellor.
Career Counselling Online and its effectiveness
The role of a professional career counsellor has expanded over the past few years. This is a new field that has seen much growth, mainly due to the changing nature of business. There has also been an increase in the level of awareness among the working class who now wants to take advantage of the benefits that come with professional career advice.
Online Career counselling provides the individual with all the perks associated with offline career counselling. The biggest advantage is that is can be taken from the comfort one’s home. There is no worry about travel and the inconvenience caused by it and the fear of failing deadlines.
With technology becoming accessible one can connect with the best career counsellors from anywhere in the world. There is no difference between an online career counselling session and an offline one. In fact, with travel restrictions and the fear of the pandemic, one should avail such an opportunity which arrives with minimum hassles and cost.
Who can use online career counselling?

- Career counselling can be availed by anyone seeking to improve or begin their professional or educational journey. It can be a school student or a post-graduate, a beginner in a multinational firm or the top boss. Career counselling does not put bars on anyone or anybody.
- However, for it to be effective it usually begins with students of classes 7 and then goes higher.
- There are some school of thoughts which vouch for its ineffectiveness since they argue that Class 7 is too early a stage. But it works to be early in a matter that has a lasting effect on someone’s life.
- Most important career changes take place after 9 since till then the path is fairly rudimentary and standard.
- After the boards in class 10, one gets to join the selections of their choice. However, that decision is already made while the student is in class 9.
- The usual choices are Science humanities and commerce. Each subject has their trajectories and growth prospects.
- A career counsellor has to not only take into account the current market situations but also how the future may hold out. Also, promising avenues are discussed and the newer opportunities explored.
- The carrier counsellor, while dealing with a student, will not only have to walk a tight rope but also provide enough leeway to the individual to express their interests. A career cannot be a forced decision and much thought has to be given. Regret is a bigger defeat than reject.
- The next stage of career counselling can be had once the student reaches class 12.
This is the year where the students have to start preparing for admissions. There will be a lot of questions in the mind of the student. The usual questions are:
- Best career to choose after school
- The corresponding college for the said course
- The Universities that may provide the relevant courses
- Is a foreign degree better or a home-grown one?
- The associated costs and procedure
- The prospect of such a financial investment
- A career counsellor has to be extremely diligent while recommending courses for the student. Not only the right fit examined but also the multitude of challenges that may suddenly appear on the scene.
- The field of education and economics is a minefield and full of surprises. One has to be careful while treading along such a path. With the help of a trained career counsellor, the student will be able to fathom the depths that lie ahead.
- Foreign degrees have to be preceded by SAT and TOEFL examinations, the preparations of which have to be thorough. The approach has to be guided by the career counsellor.
College Students
This is one of the largest segment of students who need career counselling. Given the plethora of option that is available in the market. A career counsellor has to be assertive and yet empathetic to the individual while trying to gauge his or her needs.
There is a common belief that a college degree reduces options and narrows focus. This is far from the truth. A college degree opens up myriad avenues. Most professional degrees and higher courses look for a basic college degree and these are opportunities that a college student need to be aware of. The pertinent question is at what stage while being in college should I be visiting a career counsellor.
There is no particular time to visit. However, the usual trigger for the visit is the loss of interest in the current course. A career counsellor is trained to guide his or her client through this rather explosive minefield with élan.
Career Counselling for Everyone
Anyone at literally at any stage can seek guidance from a trained career counsellor. It does not need to be while pursuing an educational course. A working professional wanting a change in careers, an individual getting back to the professional world after a break, someone who is stuck at a level and does not know how to break the jinx, et al.
A career counsellor is there to provide relevant information in the most unbiased manner, which would have a positive effect on the client.
Benefits of Online Career Counselling
The domain of online career counselling has evolved over some time. With the pandemic showing no signs of slowing down, it is quite evident that technology will be playing a major part of our lives.
Availability of experts: Because all you would need is an internet connection, the availability of experts has drastically improved. There no more traffic jams to overcome or seasons to challenge. A smartphone, a tab, a laptop or a desktop would work. Offline guidance is restrictive and limited to geography. The Online method will have no such compulsions. Also, because of the elimination of distance, the choices for career counsellors increase too. One can avail career counsellors from all over the world form the comforts of the home.
Assessment: Many time counselling sessions are succeeded by tests and assessment. These have to be scheduled and another date decided upon depending on the availability of the space and other dependencies. That too is eliminated with online counselling sessions. The candidate does not have to travel and no physical dependency is required except a good internet connection.
Access: Accessibility is the prime concern for any professional services. Candidates generally look for career counsellors within their vicinity and reach. For offline services, as mentioned above, one has to book appointments and then travel to the said place. This may take a lot of time.
On the other hand, with online career counselling sessions, all one would need to log into the system and sit in front of it. No travelling, no wasting time on unnecessary long queues, the list of benefits is endless.
This is one of the reasons why Online Career Counselling has become a hit amongst both students and parents. They get the same advantages, as that of an offline career counselling meet, all within the comforts of their homes.
The evolution of Career Counselling
Career Counselling at one point in time was supposedly the domain of the educational institutes. The concept of a private education counselling industry was unheard of earlier. However, with the advent of technology and the birth of newer industries, the career avenues of student increased. This led to a greater need for guidance since choosing with limited knowledge became not just a difficult affair but counterproductive and dangerous too.
This is when the need for a qualified career counsellor rose.
Over many years this field has transformed itself from being an optional activity to a current necessity.Parents who fret over the future of their wards are now a more confident lot. The field of Online career counselling has earned a place in their scheme of things.
Why do Indian students need counselling?
It is not just limited to Indian Students but students all over the world. However, it is a necessity for Indian students because of the general lack of awareness amongst its masses. The usual haunt for the students in the country is the conventional courses related to Engineering, Medicine, Science, Humanities and Commerce. Though these are still extremely relevant domains, there are plenty of other fields that have appeared on the horizon over the past few years. Advertising, Graphic Designing, Photography, Sports Management etc. have the potential of becoming viable career opportunities. These are the fields which are unknown to most parents and students. Also, there are quite a few branches within the conventional domains that need exploration.
There is also the need to go for counselling with regards to higher studies. One has to be well prepared to not just survive a foreign university but also a foreign land. Hence, before embarking on that journey one has to be thorough with all the information available. A career counsellor is an ideal individual for the job. With the entire industry of counselling now becoming an online service, it makes more sense to ask for assistance.
Final Words
In the times of intense competition, it has become easier to find unique career option with the help of online career counselling. Trained educationists at OpenNaukri help innumerable students discover their true self.
The pandemic may have stalled the progress of ambition for a short while, but that has in no way dampened the spirit. Once the industries gradually roar back, knowledge and resources would be needed in the plenty. That is when the success of online career counselling will rear its glowing head.