Career Counselling to Create a Successful Career Change Plan

career change plan

Career transition is a difficult decision to make. When you plan for a career change, you must get ready to invest your time and money in a new career. The reason for a career change can be anything like you have lost interest in your current career or some other field looks more interesting to you. If you feel that your career is plunging in the present area, you must also think of changing your career. Switching your career from one domain to another has risk involved in it. You must take the help of career counselling for professionals to get a better direction.

If you have a strong feeling of working with a different sector on a different profile, you must make a career change plan. It will take you on the right path to make your career change successful. Many professionals were scared of a career change and chose to stick to a lousy job. The eight steps career change plan will offer them the required career help. So, scroll down the page to give a new direction to your career.

8 Steps Career Changing Plan

Changes are something that scares humans, but the success after choosing a different and challenging path is excellent. The same thing applies to a career change. Many of us pick just any job offered to us after graduation without thinking much about our interests. After spending some months or year, most of us crave to change the career. The biggest hurdle in a career change is the fear of leaving what you have learnt so far and pick a new career path. In this article, we will discuss the eight steps career-changing plan. It will help you with a systematic career transition. 

Why Do You Need a Career Change?

First, understand why you want to change your career. Generally, the reason behind career change is lack of opportunities, No career growth, No career satisfaction, and less compensation. No matter why you have to change your career, if you feel that you are not fit in your current career, change it. Find out your likes and dislikes before making any decision. Assessment of your preferences and dislikes will take you in the right direction. Career counseling for professionals will help you choose the right career after spending your time in the wrong one. When you are stuck with a wrong job, you feel exhausted. The right career can enhance your skills and make you happy on the work front.  

Be Ready For a New Beginning

Most professionals don’t take the risk of changing the career because of the fear of losing their present job and the struggle to get a new one. If you cannot perform well in your current position because it doesn’t match your interest, then it’s better to take the risk of changing the career. After assessment of your interests, you know what kind of job will suit you. For a career transition, you will have to re-live the period when you were a job seeker. So, prepare yourself for a job search and attending the interviews. You may get rejected for your dream job, so it is also essential to accept your rejection calmly and again try for it with full enthusiasm.

Get A Strong Grip on Basic Skills

All the working experience you have must have taught you something, and you must have developed a few skills on working on some position. Skills like communication skills, team management, leadership qualities are a few that need in all kinds of jobs. So when you think of a career change, do not feel that all your experience will go in vain. Your transferable skills will be counted when you will change your career. So, even if your current career doesn’t have much for you, keep brushing up your transferable skills.

Training Need Evaluation

When you plan a career change, it becomes necessary to develop new skills and more knowledge on the core topics of the new career. First, you will have to evaluate the skills you have and other skills you need to have a stable career in this new field. So, enroll in the certification or degree course based on the needs of a new job.

Build A Network

Networking always helps when you are to change a career or start a job. So for a successful career transition, talk to the people in your desired field and take their advice on new assignments. You can also get information from them on the latest technology or rules in the sector where you are looking for a job. Your colleagues, batch mates, friends, and family are a part of your network. Try to expand it by adding more people to it. You can take the help of social media to add more people to your network. The more people you will be having in your network, the more chances you will find a suitable job.

Look For A Mentor

When you plan to change a career, you need guidance from an experienced professional. A mentor will help you in taking this tough decision of changing your career. Your mentor’s experience will support you in thick and thin and suggest what is right and what is wrong in a new career. You can seek a mentor in your boss or colleague. His experience will help you in making the right career choice. If your mentor is in a good position, then you will get more benefits using his power.

Start a Job Hunting

No matter how long you are stuck with a lousy job, job haunting is always crucial. To switch to a new career, you will have to hunt for a job again. You can approach the people in your network and also update your resume on the job portal. Make an attractive resume for job hunting. It must highlight your skills, not your experience.

Be Flexible

After changing your career, your priority is to gain more experience. Though you have been a professional and know the basic things about work, the employer will still treat you like a fresher. So it would be best if you were flexible. Take the job related to your change career choice and put your blood and sweat into it. For a few initial days, you can take up the night shifts and also work on weekends. Do not think twice before taking some work in hand. It will help you to enhance your skills and get hands-on experience in your field.

The steps given here will help you in career-changing. If you go systematically, you will get a good and exciting job.

The Bottom Line

A full-proof and planned career changing plan will offer you the desired career. Many individuals want to change their careers but could not do it because of many fears. One of the concerns the professionals have is the lack of opportunities when they will change their career. The fact is, career-changing is not a big deal until you don’t have the required skills. The new company may ask you some questions related to your career changing plan, but you will get hired if you give them satisfactory answers. If you need some career help in changing a career or choosing a career, you can write to us in the comment box. We shall revert to your query very soon.


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