4 Books That Help You Become More Optimistic


We all face moments of doubt and pessimism that bring us down. The cynicism can be due to other’s criticism or your own self-doubts; whatever the reason might be the result remains the same, low self-esteem.

Government exam aspirants and other students, those who have a higher level of optimism usually rightly estimate what they will score in upcoming exams.Being optimistic about upcoming exam performance, when you know you did the right preparation, makes you more confident and helps you prediction what you can score.

When a person has low esteem then they don’t have the right motivation for achieving their life goals.

But don’t worry; here I give you 4 books that help you become more optimistic.

1. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

This self-help book has helped many of its readers to improve their life to a great extent. Dr Paele shows the enormous impact that faith has in our lives by proposing the method of ‘positive thinking’. This inspirational book gives some very logical and practical ways to change and improve your life by having an optimistic attitude towards every situation. You can find this book in 15 languages and since its publication in 1952; about three million copies of this book have been sold.


This fascinating book by comedian Mark Stevenson is a great eye opener. When life threw a curveball at him Mark questioned his own mortality and this lead to his amazing 60,000 miles over four continents. In this journey he talked to philosophers, politicians, scientists and other thought leader about the dystopian vision of today’s generation and its antidote. Various philosophical and ethical questions are addressed in this book. It is a must read book.

3. Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor E. Frankl

We all know about the horrors of Holocaust, but this book by holocaust survivor Victor E. Frankl paints a vivid picture that is sure to shock you. This book is about Frankl’s journey, his experiences in four different concentration camps, including Auschwitz where he lost his family and loved ones. It aptly depicts his suffering and how he found the strength to cope with it thus moving forward with renewed hope. This is a must read book for all, it gives you the motivation of marching forward, no matter what the situation is.

4. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

Donald Miller attempts to make the reader the author of his/ her own fate. In this book Miller tells the readers that no matter what the dull situation is there always a way for you to turn it around. It all depends on your positive thinking and actions. Miller wrote this book after he questioned himself about the meaning of life. This amazing book is perfect for every generation and age group.

Change the way you look at life by reading these awesome books!


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